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- Guiding principles / Organizational Culture
Our guiding principles help inform our decision making. DCI CHS has the following guiding principles to help in decision making on social housing:
- Delivering value for clients. To earn the continued loyalty of our customers by consistently demonstrating why we are the first choice for quality, service, value and innovation.
- DCI CHS strives to be efficient and cost effective in the delivery of housing services to qualifying tenants (Sustainability).
- DCI CHS must at all times ensure that all the rental tariffs of rental stock under its management remains available to the target market as identified (Affordability).
- Honesty, principled; transparency and Accountability must under pin all operations and dealings, stakeholders, and communities (Integrity).Constant focus on performance and efficiency. To deliver the highest quality and performance, whilst relentlessly driving to be the lowest cost and most efficient provider.
Our organisation culture is a key to achieving organisation excellence through shaping managers’ and employees’ behaviour. We therefore strive for a”healthy”organizational culture in order to increase productivity, growth and efficiency. The following are the characteristics of our organizational culture;
- Acceptance and appreciation for diversity
- Regard for and fair treatment of each employee as well as respect for each employee’s contribution to the company
- Employee pride and enthusiasm for the organization and the work performed
- Equal opportunity for each employee to realize their full potential within the company
- Strong communication with all employees regarding policies and company issues
- Strong company leaders with a strong sense of direction and purpose
- Ability to compete in industry innovation and customer service, as well as price
- Investment in learning, training, and employee knowledge