DCI CHS is a Section21 non-profit organization established in 2012 to develop and manage social housing around South Africa in areas battling with housing backlogs. Affordable residential property for low-medium income households, particularly disadvantaged members of the community who don’t qualify for the government housing subsidy. This includes:

  • Families with special needs such as the disabled
  • Young adults with a regular income and
  • Single parent families

DCI CHS was particularly established to become the vehicle to access housing subsidies for the development and management of social/rental and gap housing in the Western Cape.


Develop, own and manage affordable rental housing opportunities close to employment and transport nodes, social amenities and related public services for households earning betweenR3500 and R22 000.

Provide rental housing accommodation for people who do not qualify for BNG subsidy and are unable to participate in the formal non-subsidised housing market.

Provide property management and turn around services for low to medium density social or rental accommodation


Our company is driven by dynamic individuals who are energetic and very enthusiastic in what they do. These individuals have a wide range of experience and expertise in both the private and public sector.